
Ready to Tackle a New Opportunity?

BITCO is continually seeking employees with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to support our customer service commitment. To view our current openings and apply, click on the "search opportunities" button below. If you don't see a position that interests you, please join our Talent Community to be notified of future opportunities. We'd love to stay connected!

Clicking the "Search Career Opportunities" link will take you to the website of ADP, our third party applicant tracking company. ADP's online Privacy Policy is located via the link at the bottom of the ADP web page.

BITCO is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Overview of Career Specialties

BITCO Benefits

Benefits for employees working 30+ hours per week include:

  • Competitive salary and benefits
  • Paid vacation and ten paid holidays a year
  • Health, dental and vision insurance
  • Life insurance – 2x annual earnings
  • Old Republic 401(k) Savings and Profit Sharing Plan
  • Education and training opportunities
  • Insurance designations encouraged with financial assistance available
  • Employee Assistance Program
  • Travel Assistance Program
  • Paid Leave of Absence Benefits
  • Voluntary option to purchase Long-Term Disability Insurance
  • Voluntary Option to purchase Additional Life Insurance for employee, spouse and dependent children
  • Flexible Spending Account for unreimbursed health care expenses and Dependent Care Reimbursement Plan
  • Voluntary option to purchase Pet Insurance
  • Old Republic Stock Purchase Plan
  • Daily two-hour flexible start and end time for 7.5-hour workday
  • Employee Fitness Program


At BITCO, our claims professionals have developed a reputation of exemplary service by investigating and processing claims fairly and efficiently. All positions in the claims department require good communication skills, and the ability to make timely, effective business decisions. Claims professionals also consult with customers, experts, and legal counsel. Claims Representatives in our branch office locations are provided support by our experienced home office claims department staff. Some overnight travel is required for all claims professionals.

Information Technology

The Information Technology (IT) Department and staff is critical for corporate success and is centrally located in our Davenport, Iowa, Home Office. Working in a team setting, the IT Department strives to progress in today's environment by evaluating, developing and implementing new processes and procedures utilizing new and innovative technology. We offer employment opportunities for experienced IT professionals, as well as entry level positions with growth potential.

Premium Audit

BITCO Premium Auditors help determine the proper premium is charged for policies by visiting customer locations to evaluate and audit customer records. Our Premium Auditors working from our 13 branch locations are supported by our home office Premium Audit staff. Billing is prepared by the home office once the audit process is complete. Excellent communication, the ability to work independently, and exceptional customer service are just a few of the skills necessary to be successful in the Premium Audit department. All branch positions require regular overnight travel.

Risk Control

Risk Control Consultants visit customers at their business and job site locations to evaluate loss exposures. After reviewing the business, Risk Control Consultants share their evaluations with BITCO underwriters, and assist customers in developing and enhancing their safety practices and policies through recommended solutions to management. The home office Risk Control staff provide service and support to Risk Control Consultants working from our 13 branch locations. Skills necessary for Risk Control staff include good communication, problem-solving abilities, and exceptional customer service. All branch positions require regular overnight travel.


BITCO underwrites workers compensation, general liability, commercial automobile and commercial property lines for selected business and industry at the core of the American economy. Underwriters in 13 branch offices work directly with independent insurance agents to select our customers and to determine policy conditions and pricing. Underwriters in our branch office locations are provided support by our experienced home office underwriting department staff. All positions in the underwriting department require good communication skills, and the ability to make timely, effective business decisions. Some overnight travel is required for all underwriters.

Shared Services & Business Support Roles

Accounting ~ Business Services ~ Human Resources ~ Marketing ~ Purchasing/Facilities ~ Regulatory Compliance

Search & Apply Online

BITCO is continually seeking employees with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to support our customer service commitment. To view our current openings and apply, click on the "search opportunities" button below. If you don't see a position that interests you, please join our Talent Community to be notified of future opportunities. We'd love to stay connected!

Clicking the "Search Career Opportunities" link will take you to the website of ADP, our third party applicant tracking company. ADP's online Privacy Policy is located via the link at the bottom of the ADP web page.